We are getting close to finishing the building of the Bridge! All eight of the vertical panels that have the large bas-reliefs of the Gulf Coast Toad are either glaze fired or bisqued and ready for the final firing. Twelve of the sixteen horizontal panels have been made and bisque fired. And today, I finished the last touches on four of the eight interior panels, now all we have left next week is to make the final four, which will look very similar to the images posted below.
The project is looking great, and we hope to begin installation mid-week. The guys at
Hill Country Bridge and
EZ-bel Construction, in addition the
city staff, have all been outstanding and willing to accommodate my concerns and scheduling needs. What a great group of professionals! I am so proud to be a part of this project!
Male toad singing/courting the female |
Toad eggs that have been fertilized |
Tadpoles maturing into froglet |
Mature gulf coast toad |
I must admit, I am getting a wee bit tired of thinking about toads! It is good to start seeing signs of completion for this project. I am very pleased with the results from the firings so far, the kiln gods everyone made for the studio opening have been doing their job! Next post should contain some finished and installed work. Yippiee!